What Does This Spirometry Test Result Indicate?
1. first is treatment suggested by specialist doctor at CTC , suggesting repeat spirometry , RAst and Ent consultation. after this spirometry was done and it showed reversibility 11.5%. this test was shown then i admited to ctc and spirometry repeated agIn today . Todays reversibility is 11.3%.
2. Parallely i had consulted a specialist outside M h . his diagnosis is enclosed. he suggests allergic bronchitis and suggested medication. this third tablet marked star is only SOS if conditions worsens . he says i will be ok in four weeks.
my questions
1 is my diagnosis confirming bronchal asthma or allergic bronchitis.
2. what is the significance of Rast test suggest ed by the doctor. how much time it takes and what it shall conclude .
3. your opinion on medication given by dr khoja.
Details below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for trusting us with your health concern.
1. Since your spirometry has reversibility of more than 11%, it suggests bronchial asthma which can be allergic in origin. Bronchitis is less likely.
2. The RAST is a radioimmunoassay test to detect specific IgE antibodies to suspected or known allergens for the purpose of guiding a diagnosis about allergy. It is a single blood test. Repeat PFT has been suggested after stopping all the medicines for 7 days to decrease the bronchodilator medicines on interpretation of results. Medicines can increase the reversibility.
3. Dr. Khoja has given you the correct treatment. The treatment given will help in correcting asthma. It will help in symptomatic improvement with minimum side effects.
Please feel free to discuss further. I will be glad to answer the follow up queries that you have.
Wishing you good health.
Dr. Rakhi Tayal.
For future query, you can directly approach me through my profile URL http://bit.ly/Dr-Rakhi-Tayal
Get the test repeated after 6 weeks.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing again.
The treatment for allergic bronchitis and asthma are almost similar. The reversibility of 11.5% is suggestive of asthma. You can start with the treatment as suggested and get the test done again after 6 weeks after your symptoms have improved. Then you can get a normal test.
Hope my answer is helpful.
Do accept my answer in case there are no further queries.