What Does This Stool Test Report Indicate?
Its result is as below..
Mucus- present
Occult blood- positive
Reducing substance- positive
Pus cells- 6-8/hpf
Rbc- 2-3/hpf
Epithelial cells- 1-2/hpf
Ova- present (1-2/hpf)
Pls tell me about problem and suggest what to do. I want to mention here that he is exclusively breastfeeding.boy.
The report is suggestive of some infection
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on this platform
I have gone through the query and do understand your concern.
First of all I want to say that in exclusively breast fed baby the chances of intestinal infection is very less but it's not like it can never occur.
By the age of 5.5 month baby develops mouthing and tries to put everything in his mouth and that may cause infection.
Presence of pus cells, mucus and occult blood indicates infection. Antibiotic needs to be given after consulting your pediatrician.
Give frequent feeds and watch for urine output. If baby has frequent vomiting episodes, less frequency of urine or if he is not accepting feeds well consult your pediatrician immediately.
I hope this helps.
Please let me know if you have any more questions.
Wishing for your baby's good health.