What Does This Transvaginal Ultrasound Report Indicate?
the spectrum is normal endometrial thickness
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query to hcm,
It is evident from the transvaginal ultrasound done on 18th october that there is a submucosal fibroid present in the fund-posterior region of the uterus which is impinging into the uterine cavity. Secondly the endometrial thickness is 8mm which is trilaminar and three layered and can be seen as a lighted spectrum but there is no gestational sac evident and hence you are not pregnant. Again as you are in mid cycle and had your menses 11 days back, again pregnancy is ruled out.
The adnexa is free and and shows no mass in tubes and hence chances of even ectopic pregnancy is out.
thirdly the spectrum which your doctor mentions is known as decimal reaction and if often confused on ultrasound with thickened endometrial thickness in the mid cycle.
So the only abnormal thing in your scan is the submucousal fibroid and the so called spectrum or endometrial lining is infact normal during this mid-cycle period.
I hope i have answered your query,
Also the doctoer asked me to ignore this fibriod since it is small 1.8 I think.
the other question / The ovulation this month is from the right and the left side
so is there a chane to be pregrent thin month!!
Detailed Answer:
I agree that the submucosal fibroid is small and should not be a cause of any infertility.
If you have ovulated from both the ovaries this cycle then there are good chances that you may get pregnant this month if you practice tied intercourse today and next two days.
please doctor I want to ask exactly about my utuers cavity! so from the latest images you saw 18 oct 2015
no spectrum! As you know if it is true that may affect the pregrency and it may be the reason of previous missed apportions!!
Please advice me with details regarding this issue I'm so stressed
Detailed Answer:
Mrs XXXX , the spectrum , firstly there is no such term in medical books which can be used for endometrial lining. So the doctor has used it wrongly for the trilaminar nature of the endometrial thickness.
The possible reasons of the first i am not aware but the second one was a missed abortion where the heart beat had stopped and that can happen to any pregnancy if its incompatible to life.
Thirdly the sub mucous fibroid could have become a reason for threatened abortion if the size would have been more than 2cm and impinging further into the cavity causing disruption of the endometrium.
So just go ahead with the positive frame of mind and try for pregnancy. Stress in itself can cause hormonal imbalances and may act in derogation against conception.
you said " the endometrial thickness is 8mm which is trilaminar and three layered and can be seen as a lighted spectrum" is that normal thing coz i don't know what do it mean ?
Detailed Answer:
The fact that i am not surprised after seeing the report is simply because there was no gestational sac inside the uterus and the endometrial thickness is normal for the ovulatory phase.
The streak of spectrum seen is due to higher resolution of ultrasound and not due to any pathology. By the picture it looks like a decimal reaction which is seen in cases of pregnancy and hence it has lead to deception in diagnosis, but that is not the case, pregnancy test and trilaminar appearance rules out pregnancy completely at present. So you need to relax and stop worrying at all.
It is normal appearance of the proliferative endometrium in the mid cycle.
I think it is partial and do I need to do operation to take it out! coz it may coz apportion in the future pregrency !!
you need a ct scan to confirm the extent of septum
Detailed Answer:
The septum as mentioned in the report is present on the fundal area and the extent is not measured. Infact the best investigation to estimate the extent of septum inside uterus would be to get a CT SCAN pelvis done which can clearly delineate the septum and its extension into the uterus.
it is not confirmed right !
Detailed Answer:
Yes, its mentioned in the ultrasound report that you have a fundal septum but confirmation requires a ct scan to ascertain the extent if its a partial or a complete septum.
Please get a ct scan done and post that if required a hysteroscopic resection may be attempted before conception can be planned.