What Does This Ultrasound Report Indicate?
I am really scared now because I was reading ovaries are supposed to be 3-5cm...I just had a transvaginal ultrasound and the results were as follows - I am nearing 41 and still hope to have a child...
Findings: The uterus is anteverted in position and measures 7.2 x 4.1 x 4.9 cm. Myometrium
demonstrates relatively homogeneous parenchymal echotexture. No myometrial lesions
seen. The endometrial thickness measures 5.8 mm. There is no evidence for
endometrial fluid collection or mass. Cervix demonstrates normal appearance. No
free fluid seen within the cul-de-sac.
Right ovary measures 2.0 x 1.4 x 2.1 cm with total volume 3.1 ml. Left ovary
measures 2.5 x 1.4 x 1.8 cm with total volume 3.4 ml. Small follicles are seen
within the ovaries. Normal blood flow documented to both ovaries.
1. Normal transvaginal pelvic ultrasound
Perimenopausal picture
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
The whole report of your ultrasound seems to be within normal range for your age.
However, it is not clear these findings are on which day of the menstrual cycle. Woman's menstrual cycle is a dynamic period during which continuous changes are taking place in their complete reproductory tract. These findings are within normal limits during postmenstrual phase, however, they are not supporting ovulation if these findings are in the midcycle phase. Will you please clarify about the timing of the ultrasonography as regards to the menstrual cycle?
Your ovaries have demonstrated small follicles; though smaller in size. This again has to be correlated to the period of the cycle.
I would advise you to get your AMH evaluated which can inform us about your ovarian reserve.
Also please keep me uploaded about your menstrual history and family size.
Foe any more information, please feel free to ask me anytime, XXXX.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri
Get AMH evaluated : Hysteroscopy is advisable.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
The findings you have uploaded in this query are very much within normal limits for immediate postmenstrual phase of the cycle. However, the endometrium on the immediate postmenstrual day is rather thicker. Moreover, you had undergone the scan for excessive and irregular menstruation. Such a thick endometrium immediately after menses is an issue of concern. Please get your Hysteroscopy done for endometrial study; if needed, biopsy may be performed.
Now, considering your age and aspiration for pregnancy, I would advise you to get AMH evaluated, which will throw light on your ovarian reserve. If you fail to ovulate in spite of adequate ovarian reserve, ovulation induction may be considered for you.
I feel you should repeat ultrasonography again during the midcycle phase of the cycle; particularly 14 days prior to the next expected menses as this is the time for ovulation. Ideal way would be ovulation monitoring from day 9 of the menstrual cycle. Please make a note of:
1. Whether you ovulate spontaneously. If so, on which day;
2. What was the size of the follicle (that ruptured) before rupture;
3. What is the thickness of the endometrium and whether all three layers of the endometrium can be demarcated easily
Please upload all the reports for my review and furnish me with the information I have asked for in the previous communication.
If you want any more information or advice, I am always available for you, XXXX. You may consider posting a good review with 5 star rating for me.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri