What Does This Urinalysis Report Indicate?
What that means?
urinary tract infection
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for contacting HCM with your health care concerns
I am sorry to hear that you are having bladder and urinary symptoms. The Urinalysis shows that you have an infection in the urinary system. The high WBC are the cells that are fighting off the infection and the hemoglobin is the blood cells that are leaking because of the infection. Once you start antibiotics your symptoms should resolve and the urine tests return to normal, Make sure you take all the antibiotics as prescribed and drink plenty of fluids to help lush the kidneys
In summary
1. WBC indicate infection
2. Hemoglobin is the red blood cells leaking from the inflammation
3. Take your antibiotics as prescribed
4. Drink plenty of fluids
I hope I answered your question. Please contact us again if you have any additional questions
I think my wisdom tooth is bad and is hurting my gum. I feel like it could be infection since i feel little bigger lymph nodes , they are small and painfull when k touch them just below on the keft side chin.
Could they be bigger cause of that tooth/gum being infected? Its white around . This just happen yeaserday
tooth infection
Detailed Answer:
Then larger lymph node and the bad tooth could indicate an infection. I would recommend that you see your dentist to look at the tooth and possible start you on antibiotics
I also have one more question
I have noise in my ears a lot, it comes and goes
And sometimes scalp pain that comes and goes but less often then the noise
It usually hopped in the afternoon and when I'm in hurry or stressed out but not sure if this due to stress or Sth else
How can infer rid off the noise
Also recently I feel in the night lightheaded, my body is like light al over, like I ve been drinking Sth which in not
It weird feeling
Could this also be due to the stress?
Detailed Answer:
The ringing in your ear is called tinnitus. It is a natural occurrence seen with damage to the ear. It will get loud at time so stress and when things are quiet. The only treatment is distracting the brain with other noise. This si something you are going to need to live with unfortunately.