What Effect Does Eating Sweets Have On The Pancreas With Type 2 Diabetes?
Had a GIST removed in May 2009 (malignant)
Had annual EGD checking GIST area past 4 years, one scheduled May 28th
Had gall bladder removed last year, has diarrhea often and nausea at times
which he had before the GIST was removed and told also may be result of
gall bladder surgery.
Does the lab results indicate the stomach tumor may have returned?
pancreas may fail totally
Detailed Answer:
Hope you are in good health.
I would answer you questions under two sections:
1. Type 2 diabetes patients will have insulin resistance causing insulin to work weakly over tissues so that blood sugar that comes by eating food is not quickly distributed into the tissues. Moreover, their beta cells of pancreas (cells which secrete insulin) are often stressed and fatigued due to constant hyperglycemia. This results in elevated sugar levels in the blood stream, causing osmotic and metabolic disturbances leading to organ damage.
If you compound the situation by eating sweets which contain direct absorbable sugars, blood sugars sky rockette suddenly. To compensate this, pancreas (which is already weak and exhausted) tries to secrete more and more insulin, and in the process may fail totally causing complications like ketoacidosis.
2. It is difficult to tell whether gist has returned just by looking at elevated liver enzymes, as they are often elevated in diabetics due to fatty liver also.
So, he needs a CT/PET scan of abdomen which will finalize the presence or absence of GIST recurrence.
hope i am clear.
please post your doubts and feel free to do so.
nothing as long as he receives insulin from outsid
Detailed Answer:
if pancreas fails ,there would be no insulin. Blood sugar levels go unrestricted till fatal complications ensue.
If insulin is given from outside he can be saved and he can lead normal life....This is what people with pancreatic cancer who got their pancreas removed do.
Hopefully this will help.