What Is A Good Diet For High BP Patient ?
Age- 57
Height - 5 feet 6 inches
Built - 74kg weight
High BP problem but he regulates by taking tablet.
Problems he has been facing
From past 7 days he has been facing a problem in which he feels that some obstruction starts in his upper chest. With this mild burps start. Then this obstruction radiates to left jaw feels like a mild pain. Then it radiates some times to eyes and then to forehead. In the mean while mild burps continue. It happens for about 15-20 mins. Once a long burp comes then it all goes away.
It happens more with empty stomach or one hour after meal. It has happened at any time of day though. It does not happen at night. He has not been feeling any acid in his stomach. Frequency of happening this is 2-3 times a day. Recent he has started taking coke when it happens. It helps him taking the long burp to get this all away.
My father has following test reports with him:
ECG - Result is normal
Blood test:
blood sugar
fasting 114
PP 178
serum cholesterol- 181.1
HDL cholesterol ratio - 5.84
LDL/HDL - 4.0
Kindly help me diagnose the problem.
Many Thanks
Thanks for posting query.
You have mentioned that he has chest obstruction will pain radiating to jaw and forehead.I think it is better to go to ER and do an ecg and echo and complete investiagtions.It might be possible he is facing an imminent heart related problems.
If we go by his blood reports his blood sugar in on higher side,he is a patient of hypertension and with medicines it is under control.
Please discuss this with your doctor and go for HBA1C test to confirm whether he is diabetic or not.This report will tell us tell us abovt the average blood sugar for last 90 days.
He also seems to be having dyspepsia(means excessive gas formation in stomach),in general terms you can say something related to gas and acidity.Normally this kind of burp and relief with passage of gas favors this possibility.The reasons could be stress,poor digestion due to some provocative foods like too much of oily food,lack of exercise etc
Another possibility is on ultrasound of abdomen on empty stomach to rule out this.
Apart from this if this ultrasound comes normal ,he may need further investigation like endoscopy to rule out ulcers in stomach or intestine which can present in similar way.One need to go step by step.please remain in touch with your physician for this.
In mean time,please ask to him to do following,
1.Taking high fat foods and avoid fasting,
2.Regular intake of foods in small quantity needs to be taken thorough the day.
3.Avoid aerated drinks like cold drinks,they will increase sugar and will only give temporary relief.
4.Do not lie down immediately after meals at least for couple of hours
5.Regular physical activity will surely help.
I hope this answers your query,I will be available for follow up.
thanks for your response.
I will ask my father to follow the advice given by you. I have a confusion regarding the line "Taking high fat foods and avoid fasting". Should one not avoid having fatty food if he/she is a hypertension patient?
Thanks for the follow up.
You are right,a patient of hypertension needs to restrict both salt and fat intake in his daily meals.
In spite of advise some patients have habit of having unhealthy snacks which needs to be avoided.
Heavy food,in terms of quantity and oil ,and fasting(may be done for religious purpose or otherwise) also can aggravate the gas problem.This is why both need to be avoided.
Wishing him good health.