What Is Bimanual Synkinesis?
He needs neurological and genetic evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Hi....The kind of mirroring movement you are describing is not normal at any age. But I need to reassure you first that it is not a disease or syndrome or a life threatening condition.
But at the same time it is associated with certain other genetic syndromes like Kallman syndrome / hypogonadism / undescended testis etc.
My suggestions for you -
1. Your son needs a complete pediatric neurological and genetic evaluation.
2. Consult a pediatric neurologist in a center where all necessary tests and thorough genetic evaluation can be done.
3. He also needs "hands on" evaluation by a board-certified geneticist.
4. You are the best judge as far as your kid is concerned. Do not wait further thinking that it will get better with age.
Regards - Dr. Sumanth