What Is Meant By Foul Odor?
I just had a c section 11 days ago... My bleeding varies from day to day with some red, some brownish, and then hardly any discharge at all...today it's brownish and has an odor-I'm not sure what is meant by foul odor...is some odor that is like old blood normal?
Detailed answer below.
Detailed Answer:
*LSCS is a surgical type of delivery where baby &placenta are removed manually through an incision in abdomen.
Here a or in normal delivery with full placenta out also bleeding with varied amount,red/brown or watery form continues for few fays after delivery, followed by watery fishy smelling discharge (lochia). This continues for 21 days ..some times couple of days more.
This discharge would increase with physical movements in case of LSCS. All of this is to clear uterus of all remaining products of placental part.
All of this is normal. Please don't worry.All you need to do is to keep genital parts very clean with best hygiene.
* If this is associated with fever or foul smelling yellowish discharge..you need some medications as per advise of your operating doctor.In such a case you need to consult your doctor.
I hope that helps you.Any follow up query is welcome.