What Is Risk Of HIV When All Values Are Normal Now CRP Rate Is 0.7?
That attached blood report taken 16th sir...After 9 days today i repeated that test..Now all values are normal sir..now CRP Rate is 0.7...Lympocyte neutropils also now normal sir
HIV risk is negligible
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Thanks for posting your query.
First of all, one cannot diagnose AIDS patient by just with a look alone. So your judgement about that individual would not be correct.
The chances of HIV transmission through a direct contact with blood over finger is negligible.
HIV cannot thrive outside the body fluids for not more than few seconds.
CRP elevation and WBC differential count percentage are not specific for HIV infection. These could be present in variety of infections and inflammatory process of the body.
It is a season of fever.. Anyone could have been affected by fever other than HIV infection.
AIDS is a chronic disease. if you have AIDS, then how can you expect the CRP and the lymphocyte count become normal within 9 days.
Testing for HIV is the only thing that can either confirm or rule out HIV infection in any individual, Guessing with other tests is baseless and not at all reliable. So the chances of HIV infection is quite unlikely.
As it has gone already a month after that incident, you can take up test for HIV. The 4th generation HIV COMBO test or HIV DNA PCR test, HIV can be ruled out beyond any doubt.
Not to get confused with other test reports and not to worry.
HIV risk is negligible, can't be counted as 'nil'
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Welcome back.
I am not able to see any image, other than the reports sent by you.
HIV acquiring through occupational exposure is possible, but rare. Universal work precautions and Post exposure prophylaxis have to be followed always to prevent HIV infection transmitted through occupational hazards. Many reports had been published earlier and after the advent of post exposure prophylaxis, it is almost obsolete. Whether you have an injury on your finger (even an abrasion) or not, don't compromise with the use of universal work precautions. Whenever you handle some blood or if you have a chance to come in contact with somebody else blood, you must wear gloves.
I mentioned negligible risk and never said that there is no risk. HIV DNA PCR test and 4th generation Combo tests will be more reliable after 4 weeks after the exposure.
DR S>Murugan
HIV risk is negligible
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Welcome back to HCM
The nail dystrophy can be due to either Onychomycosis or psoriasis. Consult a dermatologist and get cured, a long term treatment for not less than 6 months may be necessary. It would not be a concern to increase your HIV risk.
I will recommend you to have your HIV test 4 weeks after the incidence. Not to worry. You will get a HIV free report.