What Is The Best Time To Put Copper T? Want Details
Copper T can be inserted at any time of your periodic cycle, but one thing should be sure that you are not pregnant. Therefore, best time of insertion is, either last day of menstruation or within 7days of first day of menstruation.
Copper T is an intrauterine device that releases free copper &copper salts that have both a biochemical & morphological impact on endometrium. It produces alteration in cervical mucus &endometrial secretions. It produces inflmmatory response in endometrium sufficient to be spermicidal.
However, Intrauterine device users should be aware of following possibilities,
Menses can be longer &heavier
Slightly increased risk of pelvic infections
Device can be spontaneously expelled. So, monthly palpation of device strings (soft, small, strings hanging in vagina) is important.
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