What Is The Cause And Treatment For Congential Ptosis In Eye?
1- is there any possibility that this may lead genetic propagation of ptosis to my next generation?..my family has no history of ptosis
2-ptosis is causing a chin up posture which is causing neck pain now..what can i do for that..?
3-if ptosis cannot be cured fully by surgery means am i eligible for a visually handicapped certificate?
This type of ptosis can be corrected by surgery.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health care magic
I am Dr. DADAPEER K, an Ophthalmologist and I answer health problems related to eye.
I reviewed your history.
It seems from the history that you are having congenital ptosis in left eye with jaw winkling syndrome.
Please find the answers as below.
1. There is no possibility of genetic propagation of this problem as this is not genetically inherited.
2.The chin up position can be treated by the treatment of ptosis. Jaw winkling ptosis can be treated by surgery in the form of bilateral Frontalis sling suspension. The results of the surgery are also satisfactory. Hence I advice you to consult oculoplasty surgeon for examination and to decide on the next course of treatment.
3.Ptosis does not come under visually handicapped certificate.
Hope I have answered your question and the information is helpful to you.
Thank you
With regards