Brief Answer:
It is either
allergic rash or yeast infection
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
I have seen the magnified picture sent by you.
It is apparently either, an allergic rash or yeast infection. It is however, difficult to distinguish between the two conditions by merely seeing the picture.
Did you shave on the affected part prior to occurrence of the rash?
As the rash is exactly at the site of the panty lining, it points towards allergic in nature. On the other hand, shaving (in case you did) or use of
hair removal cream had caused
breach of the skin, through which the yeast penetrated inside, causing itchy rash.
I would therefore recommend that :-
* you please start wearing only pure cotton panties instead of those made of synthetic fabric.
* Apply- thrice daily- an ointment containing a
steroid +
neomycin + miconazole/cotrimazole till the lesions disappear completely. This topical ointment is available OTC.
* You take
cetirizine tablet thrice daily till the itching disappears completely.
* If you have the tendency to sweat excessively in the affected area, keep it dry and use talcum powder liberally.
Nothing else needs to be done.
It would be a good idea if you get your Blood sugar done to rule out/detect
diabetes. Chronic
fungal infection is frequently associated with known diabetes or underlying undiagnosed diabetes.
Consult your doctor and apprise him of my opinion. I am certain that he will agree with my opinion; order required tests, and- based on the reports- will arrive at a certain diagnosis and prescribe suitable treatment as advised.
Hope I have addressed to your concerns to your complete satisfaction and you find my response helpful and informative. I will be happy to answer further queries, if any.
Fond regards and have a nice day,
Dr. Rakesh Karanwal