What Is The Differece Between Oxycontin And Oxycodone?
chemical same....
Detailed Answer:
The chemical is identical in both. How fast it gets into your system is the main determinant. Oxycontin is controlled release;
LESS gets in at one time ... But gets in over a long period.
Time to begin getting relief ...FASTER in oxycodone
Peak effect and peak bloodstream level higher in oxycodone
duration.. much shorter (4 hr versus 12) in oxycodone; longer in oxycontin
Abuse potential... pretty similar.
They've been playing around with the construction of long acting oxycontin to make it difficult to crush the pill and get all the oxycodone out of it.
Price, much higher with oxycontin
OXYCONTIN: [Onset slower, peak effect worse, Cannot be taken on the spur of the moment if something happens to make pain worse, price higher]
How about both a bit bad, but oxycontin WORSE