What Is The Difference Between Narcissism And OCD?
The difference in Narcissism and OCD.
Detailed Answer:
While Narcissism and OCD are separate problems, it is possible for a person to have both.
OCD stands for obsessive compulsive disorder. An obsession is where a person has repeated thoughts even when they don't want these thoughts or try to ignore them. And compulsions are repeated behaviors, that again, a person may not want. Intentionally avoiding either of these for any length of time leads to tension and anxiety. Examples of behaviors that a person with OCD might have are repeated hand washing, or repeatedly checking to make sure the door is locked. There is medication that can help, such as high doses of SSRI medications.
Narcissim, on the other hand, is a personality disorder (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). Personality disorders are long term patterns of abnormal behavior. People with narcissistic personality disorder tend to have an excessive need to be admired, and have exaggerated feelings of self-importance. They may be vain about their appearance, or focus on power and success and may disregard the feelings or needs of those around them as they feel they are more important.
Personality disorders are much harder to treat. They are an inherent part of the person's personality. Often a person with a personality disorder doesn't feel there is a problem, and so they don't seek treatment; whereas as someone with a disorder such as OCD may feel very uncomfortable with their unwanted problem and want help.
I hope this information helps.