What Is The Difference Between Vegan And Paleo Diet?
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Welcome to HCM!
I will do my best to answer your questions, but they will be my own opinion as most of these are still hotly debated in my nutrition world.
Difference between the relevance of Vegan and Paleo diet (in today's context?)
The Vegan diet has been shown in studies to have a positive effect on wellness and longevity markers such as lowering blood lipids, lower weight, higher intake of newly discovered nutritional chemicals that benefit us in a multitude of ways from preventing cancer to treating disease. Vegan may be a trite strict for me, but overall I think that the diet, properly followed, has tremendous impact on positive health outcomes.
The Paleo diet is based on the theory that we should eat as our ancestors did, that it is in our genes. I do know that today we are not getting the exercise the cavemen got running down a bear or other suitable creature to kill. And, what was their lifespan? Valid contradictions to the theory behind this diet exist. The British Dietetic Association called it among the five worst celebrity endorsed diets of 2015 saying its risks being it is unbalanced, time consuming, and a sure-fire way to develop nutritional deficiencies. Another concern is that following this diet may bring out long term health problems. I personally do not think we need to follow this type of diet or adhere to its historical philosophy which is missing many pieces.
Are the ill effects of poorly treated cow's milk true? I wish you would be more specific, but from the things I do know about I would agree that milk can become contaminated, contain too many hormones (stress hormones, growth hormones) so yes, the quality of your milk is very important. Also, given too soon to an infant prone to allergies can cause the allergy.
Eggs are especially important for children as it contains choline which forms the myelin sheath in the nerves in the brain. Fish is to be cautiously given. It is a high allergenic food and giving too early may cause problems. I can't think of the best age to try fish on a child. Chicken is very good for children. Children should have access to omega 3 fatty acids which can be obtained from fish, a supplement or a vegetarian supplement.
Now, I tried to address all of your queries. You are free to ask follow-up queries should I be able to help you further. I am more than happy to help.
Good morning!
Detailed Answer:
A vegan diet requires same amount of fluid unless you need slightly more to compensate for all the fiber. You will be able to tell if you have a hard time stooling.
Fiber should always be increased gradually.
Vegan diets generally need to be supplemented with vitamins B12, vitamin D, calcium, protein, zinc and iron. With a proper diet all but the B12 and D can be reasonably well met with an excellent diet. Otherwise, supplementation may be wise.
Lemon juice is not something I personally recommend. I don't believe it aides in "detoxification" what is more helpful would be fluids to flush the toxins in the fat cells out.
So good to hear from you again. Please follow-up if need be, otherwise be so kind as to close out and rate when I know you have finished with your queries. Thank you again for visiting HCM XXXXXXX J. Shattler, MS,RDN