
What Is The Homeopathic Remedy For Schizophrenia?

Posted on Sat, 4 Jan 2014
Question: Hi! Last summer I experienced psychological trauma and I felt burning sensation in my forehead and in my crown. This happend three times. After that I went to psychosis. Now I have schizophrenia and I am useing zeldox 40 mg 2/day.I have started homeopathic treatment one and half month ago. I haven´t feel any improvment yet. Maybe my homeopathy hasn´t find the right remedy. If she find the right remedy how long it take before I could reduce my anti-psychotic drug. How long should I wait that my homeopath find the right remedy. Should I change my homeopath if there is no improvment after two or three month? How can I be sure that my homeopat is cabaple to treat me? Here in finland there is no expert homeopath for schizophrenia. Should I ask help from India where are some experts for schizophrenia?
Answered by Dr. C. J. Varghese (17 hours later)
Brief Answer: Hello XXXX, Thank you for your query. Detailed Answer: Hello friend XXXX, If you are not experiencing any relief at all by this time, probably, your Homoeopath has failed to find the right remedy for you. Since schizophrenia is such a disease, we cannot wait for so long. You will be finding such difficulties demanding immediate relief. In Homoeopathy, you know that we are trying to find out the right remedy for YOU and not for your disease. For ten patients of Schizophrenia, we may have to prescribe ten different remedies for cure because, even though there will be some common symptoms of the disease in all the schizophrenic patients, we need to find out what is uncommon, strange and peculiar with each individual case. Therefore, if by chance you have failed to give your case rightly or if your doctor has failed to receive your case rightly, there are chances of missing the right curative remedy. My advice to you is to tell openly to your Homoeopath that you are not at all finding any relief by this time and to give more of your rare and peculiar symptoms in you that are uncommon with other schizophrenic patients to help her to find a different curative remedy for you. If you are not experiencing relief even after a change of remedy, you should change the doctor. 2-3 months are enough to experience relief, even though you will have to continue homoeopathic treatment for many more months thereafter before you can taper down and finally stop the use of your anti psychotic drugs . Your relatives or bystanders also have to be involved in assessing changes in you after getting the Homoeopathic remedy. You can contact doctors in India if you are not confident with the doctors of your country. I can confidently say to you that there are good homoeopathic doctors in India. If you so decide, you can also get back to me with more details. Then I can send to you a case taking format to help you to give your whole case in detail. Then also you can take the assistance of your family members to help me to get you rightly. With Best wishes for immediate relief and cure through Homoeopathy, Dr. C. J. Varghese, Homoeopath,
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. C. J. Varghese (2 hours later)
I would like to have help from India or from you but for me it can be too difficult to explain clearly what happend to me because I am not good enough in english.
Answered by Dr. C. J. Varghese (38 hours later)
Brief Answer: Hello friend, Thank you for the mail. Detailed Answer: Hello XXXX, I shall try to help you. Your English is not bad. That is enough for me to get you. I am attaching below a sample case taking form which you can use to develop your case in detail. Then only I can prescribe the right remedy for you. You can expand to any extent. What I want is the full details about you, your life situations, the psychological trauma, how you reacted to it, your personal history, your past history, childhood history etc. etc. You can involve your family also to prepare the case. With best wishes, Dr. C. J. Varghese. CASE TAKING / RECEIVING FORMAT (This is only a frame work to help you to develop your case. You can expand your case to any extent. But try to help the physician to understand your genetic dispositions, individuality and constitution in the physical and mental plain. ) I PRELIMINARY DATA 1. Name 2. Age 3. Sex 4. Occupation 5. Financial Status 6. Social status 7. Religion 8. Address 9. Contact no 10. Email address 11. Mother tongue II PRESENTING /CHIEF COMPLAINTS 1. Since when the complaints started 2. Onset sudden or gradual 3. Pain –its duration, how long it remains, how it comes and goes, its character, its extension 4. Side of affection - Left or Right, from left to right or from right to left, upper left and lower right or upper right and lower left 5. Aggravating or ameliorating factors or conditions 6. Supportive investigations and reports, diagnosis, findings… 7. Speed of development of disease - slow or fast 8. Probable or final diagnosis III ASSOCIATED COMPLAINTS / OTHER DISEASES 1. Since when the complaints started 2. Onset sudden or gradual 3. Pain –its duration, how long it remains, how it comes and goes, its character, its extension 4. Side of affection - Left or Right, from left to right or from right to left, upper left and lower right or upper right and lower left 5. Aggravating or ameliorating factors or conditions 6. Supportive investigations and reports, diagnosis, findings… 7. Speed of development of disease - slow or fast 8. Probable or final diagnosis IV PAST HISTORY ( MAJOR ILLNESSES / SURGERIES / ACCIDENTS) IN THE PAST 1. Never well since like vaccination, pneumonia, typhoid, malaria etc. 2. Any suppressive treatment like ointments for skin, laser therapy for stones, corrective surgery for eye etc. 3. Emotions that precipitate the disease every time 4. Emotional conflict happened just prior to the onset of disease that remain unresolved 5. How from lower layers of tissues the disease shifted to more important and higher layers of tissues 6. Chronological journey of disease- how you started with first sickness, next what happened , then what etc. till you developed the present state of illness. V FAMILY HISTORY / HEREDITARY DISEASE TENDENCIES/GENETIC DISEASES ETC. IN THE FAMILY 1. Father 2. Mother 3. Paternal Grand Father 4. Paternal Grand Mother 5. Siblings, in order 6. Paternal uncles and aunts 7. Maternal uncles and aunts VI GYNAECOLOGICAL / OBSTETRICAL HISTORY (FEMALES ONLY) 1. Menses in detail 2. Complaints before, during and after menses 3. Menarche (onset) age, early, late etc. 4. Menopause (stoppage ) normal, early, late, complaints during. 5. Children born, living, dead. 6. Abortions, Miscarriages, delivery normal or surgical VII DRUG / TREATMENT HISTORY 1. Any medication, Allopathic, Ayurvedic or Homoeopatic 2. Allergic sensitivity to any drug 3. Over use or abuse of drugs 4. Any affection / side effects of taking drugs VIII INVESTIGATION REPORTS / RESULTS (ATTACH RELEVANT REPORTS) 1. General health 2. Presenting complaints IX PATIENT AS A PERSON / PHYSICAL / GENERAL 1. Appearance: built, structure, height, weight, complexion, face, skin, warts, moles, discolouration, pigmentation etc. 2. Speed: of talking, eating, working, walking, 3. Thermals: Sensitivity to cold or heat, can tolerate heat or cold better, need or fan / ac, need of warm clothes, covers uncovers during sleep, takes warm or cold bath… 4. Appetite: normal, increased or decreased, peculiarities in eating habits, veg/non-ves, desires, cravings and aversions, aggravation and ameliorations, intolerances and ailments from particular tastes and items of food, prefer cold, warm or hot food, 5. Thirst: quantity of water drinking in a day, thirsty during night, drinks by habit or by feeling thirsty, during meals only or drinks in between, throat and mouth getting dry, cold or room temperature, warm or hot water, fruit juices, other drinks 6. Stool: habits, frequency, difficulties, any complaints before, during, and after. 7. Urine: any difficulty, any complaint 8. Sleep: sound/ disturbed, deep comatose or catnap- alert, easily waking, restless, tossing about in bed, position in sleep, salivation during etc. 9. Dreams: good/ bad, frightful, repetitive, related to family, work, death, dead bodies, accidents etc. 10. Side: which side is predominantly or frequently affected, 11. Sensitivities: to sun, noise, light, tight clothing, touch, strong or perfume smell, rain, cloudy weather, winds, moon phases etc., how affected and how much… 12. Senses: vision, smell hearing, touch, taste, extra sensory perception etc. 13. Habits: smoking, drinking, chewing etc. X PATIENT AS A PERSON/ MIND/ LIFE SITUATION 1. Family, single, married, staying together, multiple partners, staying with whom, joint family, nuclear family, mutual relationships etc. 2. Job, salary, working conditions, job satisfaction, work site conflicts, 3. Education, diligence for gathering or updating knowledge, eligibility or qualified for the job, laziness to study or to exert mentally, 4. Expressive or non expressive, extrovert or introvert, vivacious or quiet, loquacious or silent, loud talker, sweet talker, self praise, open hearted, foolish talking, lewd or talking about sex, expansive, changing subjects, talking about money, health, religion, talking to himself, jesting etc. 5. Communicative, easily starting conversation, easily mixing with strangers, sharing feelings with others, prefers to be in company or solitude 6. Intellect: studied by self, or pushed by others, how handles work, intellectually sharp or slow, concentration and comprehension easy, reading desires, idiocy or childishness, making mistakes while talking and writing, good and quick or bad and slow in making decisions, indecisive or yielding to the opinion of others, etc. 7. Diligence or non diligence, regular or not in going to school, work , office etc. 8. Morals: respecting rules and morality, sensitive to values 9. Will: good and confident in handling responsibilities alone and in critical situations, or wanting support always, reacting or supporting injustice, strong or weak willed, confident or timid, dependant or courageous, optimistic, persevering and positive or pessimis, bashful or embarrassment. 10. Memory: good or bad, recollecting events of the past, remembering numbers and names, active or weak , any forgetfulness… 11. Nature or disposition: angry or mild, yielding or haughty, weeping, sarcastic, contemptuous, apprehensive, fearful , contented or discontented , quarrelsome, fighter, revolting or indifferent etc. 12. Emotions: when getting angry how reacts, anger expressed or suppressed, expressed even to elders, keep thinking about the issue for long or can forget or forgive easily, sentimental or sensitive, sympathetic to the point of forgetting one’s own needs, involved in XXXXXXX or social service, grieved, affectionate, jealousy, rage etc 13. Sensitivity: to behaviour of others, rudeness, criticism, reproach, contradiction of others, relationship, social position, success or failure, money, admonition, ego, appreciation, injustice, to the surroundings, cleanliness mania, nature, animals, music, religion etc. 14. Anxiety about conscience, health, children, family, future, salvation, about trifles, for others, apprehension, anticipation, punctuality, 15. Attachment: to career, position, family, friends, name and fame, money, 16. Consolation desires, ameliorates, aggravates, appreciation craves, 17. Fears: any fixed fear XI N.B: You can expand the case to any extent for making the physician understand your life situations and your genetic and constitutional reactions to them so that the physician can very easily understand your individualistic and characteristic features, both physical and mental and thus arrive at your curative remedy, the SIMILIMUM.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Yogesh D
Follow up: Dr. C. J. Varghese (34 hours later)
When I experienced that trauma I was in some kind of shock.I felt huge fear and anxiety. I was angry because I didn´t deserved that. I felt helpless. I felt tingling and burning in my forehead. When I was child I had lots of friends. I have always been quiet. Couple years ago I left all my friends because I wanted to start new life. Now I am lonely and sick and to me my future is very dark. I have two sister who are older than me. I have often suicidal thoughts and I hope I could end my life but I fear to do that. If I had a weapon I would shoot myself. I have never enjoyed being in school because I have always been outsider. When I was younger I had many hobbies like football, ice hockey, gym, jogging, taek won do, scubadiving. I use to read spiritual books. I PRELIMINARY DATA 1. XXXX 2. 23 3. Male 4. Graduated from college 2009 5. 700 euros per month 6. Jobless, I am living with my mother 7. Christian 8. Kartanontie 4 B 7 21280 Raisio 9. 0000 10. YYYY@YYYY 11. Finnish II PRESENTING /CHIEF COMPLAINTS 1 XXXXXXX 2013 2.Onset sudden 3. 4. 5. 6. Schizophrenia 7.Fast 8.Schizophrenia III ASSOCIATED COMPLAINTS / OTHER DISEASES 1. July,2011 2. Gradual 3. Right to left 4. 5. 6.hearing damage 8. Tinnitus IV PAST HISTORY ( MAJOR ILLNESSES / SURGERIES / ACCIDENTS) IN THE PAST 1. 2.Corrective surgery for my right leg. I had bowleg. 3. 4. 5. 6. V FAMILY HISTORY / HEREDITARY DISEASE TENDENCIES/GENETIC DISEASES ETC. IN THE FAMILY 1. Sleep apnea, dyslexia 2. Breast cancer 3. Als, Brain cancer 4. pancreas cancer 5. Dyslexia 6. Rheumatic disorder, Psoriasis 7. VII DRUG / TREATMENT HISTORY 1. Zeldox 40mg, Phosphorus D30, Arcenium album D30, Aconitum C12 2. No 3. No 4. No VIII INVESTIGATION REPORTS / RESULTS (ATTACH RELEVANT REPORTS) 1. Normal 2. Loneliness. Life is boring. IX PATIENT AS A PERSON / PHYSICAL / GENERAL 1. 172cm, 75kg,white skin, brown eyes, 2. Talking little and slowly, Eating normally(not fast nor slowly),working slowly, walking normally. 3. Sensitive to cold, I can tolerate heat better, No need for fan, I like warm clothes,covers during sleep, I like to take warm bath. 4. Normal appetite. I eat almost anything except blue cheese. I like warm food. 5. 1-1,5 litre per day, thirsty at morning, I drink when I feel thirsty, during meals and in between. I drink also when my mouth gets dry. cold water. I also drink coffee 2-3 cups per day. Fruit juices 2-3 class per day and milk 2-3 class per day. 6. 2-3 times per day, no difficulties, sometimes after tool I feel burning sensation. 7. Normal urine 8. I sleep pretty normally, but sometimes I feel restless. My sleep position is on one´s side or on my stomach. 9. I can´t get sleep if there is too much sound. In my latest nightmare I was chased and when I woke up I felt that I couldn´t breath. I felt that my hopeless life situation affects to my dreams and I can´t get peace even in sleep. 10. Left side 11. I used to like to be in sun. I like more when it is quiet. I don´t like tigh clothing, I don´t usually touch people, now when I am feeling desperate most of the time I like more cloudy, windy and rainy weather. I like when it´s dark. I can get a headache from strong smells or perfume. 12. Everything is normal. 13. I smoke 20 cigarette per day. I don´t drink. X PATIENT AS A PERSON/ MIND/ LIFE SITUATION 1. I live with my mother and her boyfriend. I don´t have friends. I haven´t ever been in a relationship. 2. I don´t have job. 3. College. I feel I am not smart enough to study anything. 4. Non expressive. Introvert, quiet. silent. 5. Its really hard to start conversation, I feel I don´t have nothing to say to anyone. 6. Pushed by others. Intellectually slow .Concentration is hard, its hard to understand and remember what I have red. I make mistakes while talking and writing. Bad and slow in making decisions. 7. Non diligence, not in going to school or work. 8. I respect rules and morality, I am sensitive to values. 9. I want support always. Weak willed, I am timid ,depentand, pessimis, embarrassment. 10. Bad memory, weak 11. Mild, yielding,weeping,fearful, discontented, indifferent 12. suppressed, sentimental and sensitive, sympathetic to the point of forgetting one’s own needs,affectionate and jealousy 13. I am sensitive to behaviour of others, rudeness, criticism, reproach, contradiction of others, relationship, social position. When I see others success and happiness I feel like worthless looser. I feel my whole life is a big failure, I fear if I lost my money, I don’t like when I get admonition, I fear strong egos, appreciation, I hate injustice, I feel doubtful to the surroundings, cleanliness mania, I feel calm in nature, I like animals, I don´t listen music as much as I used to, religion is not important to me. 14. I feel hopeless if I can´t be sure that I will become healthy. I really fear my future. 15. I would like to do something meaningfull, creative and technigal. I like people who are individual and spiritual. 16. I wan´t to know that I have hope and that I will recover from this illness. 17. I fear if I won´t recover from schizophrenia. This was difficult for me but I hope there is enough information for you to find the right remedy.
Follow up: Dr. C. J. Varghese (48 hours later)
Hi! Have you analyzed my case?
Answered by Dr. C. J. Varghese (12 hours later)
Brief Answer: Hello XXXX, Thank you for your patience. Detailed Answer: Hello XXXX, I took some time to analyse your case. Therefore the delay. Now, after reading your case, I have taken the following key points as your genetic constitutional features- both physical and mental. 1. Despair of recovery 2. Feeling of helplessness 3. Sudden manifestation of disease symptoms 4. Suicidal disposition and thoughts 5. Chilly patient, worse in cold and better in warmth 6. Headache from strong odours 7. Introverted person 8. Weakness of Will 9. Yielding disposition 10. Sympathetic. From these key symptoms and from reading your whole query, I have concluded that your genetic constitutional curative remedy is Ignatia. Therefore you are advised to collect IGNATIA 10 M. 1 dose and take it at the earliest, preferably at bed time. Do not repeat it as long as you don't feel better. If needed, you can take XXXXXXX phos 6 x tablets 3 - 5 grains, 3 or 4 times a day to make your mind and body more strong. Take it after the single dose of Ignatia 10 M. You are advised to follow up after a month. I would assess your condition again after a month and accordingly advice you the next treatment plan. You can reach me through XXXXXXX In the mean time, I would also urge you to include medication, prayer, good reading, yoga, counselling into your daily activities. This would keep you going in good spirits. Never think that you are the only person in this world with difficulties in life. You have to face them with courage and then only you will enjoy more happy moments thereafter. I strongly discourage you to take chemical drugs once you feel confident to stop them. I am fairly confident that you will show signs of recovery through homeopathy. You will be able to stop them at the earliest. Be positive and have good friends. Find out good friends both boys and girls to be helpful for you. My hearty best wishes for a healthy and happy life in future through Homoeopathy. If you feel that my service to you was satisfactory and helpful, kindly make a review of it and send it to Healthcare magic. Dr. C. J. Varghese Homoeopath,
Note: For further inquiries, we recommend seeking guidance from an expert homeopath. Click here to consult now

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Answered by
Dr. C. J. Varghese


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What Is The Homeopathic Remedy For Schizophrenia?

Brief Answer: Hello XXXX, Thank you for your query. Detailed Answer: Hello friend XXXX, If you are not experiencing any relief at all by this time, probably, your Homoeopath has failed to find the right remedy for you. Since schizophrenia is such a disease, we cannot wait for so long. You will be finding such difficulties demanding immediate relief. In Homoeopathy, you know that we are trying to find out the right remedy for YOU and not for your disease. For ten patients of Schizophrenia, we may have to prescribe ten different remedies for cure because, even though there will be some common symptoms of the disease in all the schizophrenic patients, we need to find out what is uncommon, strange and peculiar with each individual case. Therefore, if by chance you have failed to give your case rightly or if your doctor has failed to receive your case rightly, there are chances of missing the right curative remedy. My advice to you is to tell openly to your Homoeopath that you are not at all finding any relief by this time and to give more of your rare and peculiar symptoms in you that are uncommon with other schizophrenic patients to help her to find a different curative remedy for you. If you are not experiencing relief even after a change of remedy, you should change the doctor. 2-3 months are enough to experience relief, even though you will have to continue homoeopathic treatment for many more months thereafter before you can taper down and finally stop the use of your anti psychotic drugs . Your relatives or bystanders also have to be involved in assessing changes in you after getting the Homoeopathic remedy. You can contact doctors in India if you are not confident with the doctors of your country. I can confidently say to you that there are good homoeopathic doctors in India. If you so decide, you can also get back to me with more details. Then I can send to you a case taking format to help you to give your whole case in detail. Then also you can take the assistance of your family members to help me to get you rightly. With Best wishes for immediate relief and cure through Homoeopathy, Dr. C. J. Varghese, Homoeopath,