What Is The Ideal Limit For TDS In Drinking Water?
God bless u
Depends on your health status
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for your query.
You XXXXXXX correct in noticing that any TDS less than 300 is ok for drinking purposes.
Now the question is that what TDS is optimal for you.
In my observation and experience if in your home anyone has low immunity (ie recurrent infections like cold, diarhea, fungal infections) or chronic health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, heart conditions, allergy, asthma, etc a TDS of less than 50 ppm is needed. This keep the person in a better state of health.
If there are no such conditions in anyone in family then you can keep the TDS of the RO sytem less than, around or little above 50.
Hope it helps. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr Vaishalee
Thank You for your early reply but I want further clarification as under. .
1. On one hand, your opinion is 50 TDS in case of poor health conditions.
2. On other hand, your opinion is same 50 TDS in case of healthy condition.
So, your opinion is 50 TDS in any case.
If there is no health problem as mentioned by you what is ideal TDS level & also let me know 50 TDS level is harm full to health person as it is lacking required mineral for body or more TDS is required ? ? ?
Thanks . . . .
There can be many sources of minerals
Detailed Answer:
Hi again
In my opinion, in case of health issues it is better kept less than 50. If you check bottled water by kinley and aquafina, TDS is less than 5. So I meant that in health conditions lower is better.
In absence of health issues even if it is higher it will be tolerated well. Even in good health I will recommend TDS around 50.
WHO recommends less than 300. It actually includes all sources of drinking water at all places on earth for example from wells etc. There the people cannot afford expensive filteration systems. This value just says that TDS less than 300 is "acceptable" for drinking purposes and a higher TDS should NOT be utilised for drinking. This would be ideal for a home filteration system.
Yes it is a common notion that minerals are not present in such low TDS water. But the required amount of minerals needed per day is so less that it can be obtained from other foods. There will not be any deficiency even if you drink low TDS water for life.
The only issue that happens is that people who have the habbit of drinking pure water do not like drinking contaminated water. It is not that it affects their immunity. It happens because a persons health adjusts to lower TDS.
Hope I cleared your doubts this time. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr Vaishalee