What Is The Most Effective Muscle Relaxer In The Market?
the only muscle relaxer that was noticeably effective overnight was Soma so why are many Drs. reluctant to prescribe it?
There are many but on prescription only. Please see details
Detailed Answer:
There are many muscle relaxants that work quite well. And if needed can be used.
These include basically two types
1. Central acting : they work on brain to relax muscles. As work on brain so may cause sedation so needs to be started low dose. . Drugs included in this group include baclofen, tizanidine and diazepam. Baclofen is very effective and mostly don't cause a lot of side effects. We generally prescribe this if needed and have found it quite safe and effective. Similarly tizanidine is as good. Regarding diazepam we avoid it for its many side effect and sedation.
2:perephral acting :this include dantrolene which is used for severe spasm and not used routinely.
Regarding "soma" its still there but is not liked very much because of the newer safer alternative available. It may cause sedation and has potential for abuse and addiction as it causes mode elevation besides muscle relaxant. So newer more safer options are available as discussed above.
We can't select one for every person as one may be better for one person but not for other. It should be kept in mind that muscle relaxant should not be used for minor injuries and strains.
Hopes this answer help you understand your query. Let me know if you have any further questions about it. I would be glad to answer your question.