What Is The Period Of Incubation Of HIV Post Exposure?
If i become infected today, can I infect others after 5 days?
Possible but slighlty unlikley after 5 days.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to HCM,
I have read your query and understand the concern.
Incubation period (period between infection/exposure and appearance of first symptom) of HIV ranges from 1 month to 3 months (or sometimes up to 6 months).
Means once the person gets exposure of HIV virus (by sexual or blood borne route), HIV virus enters into the blood circulation and starts multiplying immediately. So one can easily transfer the infection to other by blood borne route even on the same day.
These virus is excreted by the body via body fluids (like urine,semen,saliva and sweat) when the HIV viral load in blood goes beyond 1 million or above.
By this way, HIV transmission could occur by sexual route especially from men to women. More the HIV viral load, higher the risk of transmission.
However,it takes time to reach this heavy viral load which might range from 15 days to even 1 year after the exposure. So, it is possible to transmit infection after 5 days once you get infected with HIV virus but it is slightly unlikely by sexual route.
Hope this helps.
Dr.Sandip Kabra
I had a vaginal sexual encounter, in the middle of sex the condom goes off, i realized after inserting my penis 3 times (less than a minute) i put another condom ando continĂșe... i ask a doctor and he mentioned it was a low risk and dont to worry about... is this true?
Also i have circumsicion, it is true this decrease my risk?
I read a lot about symptoms, that 70% people suffer them, i havent feel anything like fever, rash, sorethroat.
If symptoms happen, can they appear after 7 weeks and only sorethroat?
Yes, risk of HIV transmission is very low.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow-up and sorry for the delayed response.
I have read your query.
In your case,risk of HIV transmission is very low and for that, I would like to tell you that HIV and STDs infection occurs only when our mucosa linings in the mouth, vagina, penis or rectum come in contact with blood or bodily fluids such as semen, vaginal fluid and rectal fluid that can contain HIV and STD virus.
Since there is no cut or scratch or even bruise on your genitals, the risk of HIV is very low.
Yes, circumcision slightly decreases STD risk compared to uncircumcised individuals. Since you have not felt any symptoms,I do not think there is anything to be concerned much here.
Symptoms like sore throat or rash usually start within 2 or 3 weeks but it may get delayed up to 3 months or 6 months as we discussed earlier.
In your case, I would suggest you NOT to worry about HIV.
Dr.Sandip Kabra