What Is The Reason For Weight Loss In A Prematurely Born 32-weeks-old Baby?
he is off fluids now and solely on feeds.
Wait and watch
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your query carefully and understand your concern. It is good to know that the child is stable.
Such preterm babies have poor lung maturity and may require CPAP support. It is not a cause for concern. It is good that full feeds have been established and are gradually being increased. The oral feeds will help in weight gain.
The weight drops for an initial couple of weeks (maybe slightly more in case of preterm babies where the establishment of full feeds is delayed). Adding HMF (human milk fortifier) to the feeds could ensure a good weight gain soon.
I would not be worried about the PDA. It may take some time and there are other medicines like Indomethacin which can be subsequently given to help in the closure.
Feel free to write back.
Usually, conservative management suffices
Detailed Answer:
No, Indomethacin is different from Ibuprofen. It is given when ibuprofen does not suffice. Surgery is an option but usually, conservative management suffices.
Unless there are respiratory indications like pulmonary hypertension (the treating physician would be able to comment better), surgical intervention might not be required immediately. If deemed required, the question of safety becomes secondary since in that case it would be considered life-saving.
The lungs should be mature by the expected date of delivery (since the baby was delivered prior to that) but usually matures prior to that.