What Is The Risk Of Getting HIV By Fingering Inside The Vagina?
Im 21 years of age.I have a girlfriend with whom involve in pre-sex activities. We do not have intercourse.Last time we had some fun, i decided to finger her, which she allows me to and enjoys too. One day before that day i masterbated (and also urinated a lot of times). But on that particular day,i guess my hand touched ma penis on which some pre-ejc juices were there. By touching i mean, not even half a drop of those juices were on ma hand.After 5 mins(after touching my penis)i fingered her for like 1 min with that hand and then shifted to my other hand which was clean. i did not even ejaculate before touching my hand. My question is can she become pregnant due to that? We had this session after 3 days after her periods and she usually has a 28 day cycle.
Thank you for posting a query.
Firstly, sperm cannot live in outer world for longer period. Because for being alive they need a particular temperature.it can only survive in vagina for near about 48 hours. One more thing is, urinating, always do not lead to absence of sperm. Sperm may be present even after urinating several times.
Now, in your case, there are some factors
1. Masterbation one day ago. The time period between two act is very long.
2. You have only inserted your finger. There was no intercourse.
3. She had her period 3 days before the act.
Considering all the points, there is very little chance of pregnancy. The chance is negligible.
So, do not worry.
But, for your information, you can do a home pregnancy test on or after the day of her missed period. It will confirm the situation.
Hope this information suffices. Let me know, if you have any more question.
Thank you for writing back.
You are right that only one viable sperm is enough for pregnancy.
But it cannot be said, how much sperm was there in your hand.
But, if I assume that there was some sperm, then also, there is very low chance of pregnancy, because ovulation occurs at 14 th day of 28 days cycle. So, the time of ovulation is far away. So, practically, there is no chance of pregnancy.