Question: I am married since last six years and we are trying for a baby since last two and half years. After trying naturally for one year, we consulted one gynecologist. He asked for routine blood check up, ovulation study, USG,
semen analysis. Everything was normal. After that my wife had undergone diagnostic laproscopy, findings of which were normal. After this he diagnosed us as a case of unexplained
infertility and advised IUI. We had undergone three IUI cycle without success.
After this we consulted anothe rdoctor. After studying reports and after examination he diagnosed her as a case of
galactorrhea and prescribed
Cabergoline. Within one month of Cabergoline treatment my wife was conceived. At six week sonography doctor noticed very tiny sac and advised to have follow up Sonogrphy after 10 days. On next USG there was no growth.
Missed abortion was confirmed through B hcg and she had undergone MTP. After routine test she was found to be Lupus
anticoagulant positive. Doctor advised us not to try for conception for next three months and after this try for conception with daily Aspirin and Folic acid. AS per doctors opinion, due to lupus anticoagulant, there is problem in
implantation which is the cause of infertility. He has advised daily aspirin and once pregnancy is confirmed he advised LMWH. My question is whether lupus anticoagulant has any role to play in infertility? will starting LMWH from fifth day of menses would help in implantation and successful conception? is there any alternative line of management?