Brief Answer:
Internal organ involvement is less common.
Detailed Answer:
Chickenpox is normally a mild disease. Sometimes it can be serious and can lead to complications, especially in high-risk people with low immunity. Complications which can be seen are bacterial infections of the skin/ soft tissues, lung pneumonia, infection spreading to brain,
toxic shock or Reye's syndrome for people who take aspirin during chickenpox.
Look for symptoms like pus formation in skin lesion,
disorientation, headache, high elevated fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, neck stiffness, low pulse or blood pressure.
Keep watch on the symptoms and if possible getting evaluation by doctor at intervals is way to keep watch on involvement of internal organs.
At the moment
sleeplessness is little worrisome.It can be because of routine
chicken pox.But do mention it to her doctor.Otherwise she seems on recovery mode as 50% lesions have dried up.
Hope this answers your questions.Please ask if there are doubts.