Question: September 2012
In the begging of September 2012 I had a
cold, I took some
medicine for it, a few days later and already feeling
better I had some Anal leakage, no color, no smell just
some mucus, kind of like gel
A few days later, and already cold free, I had some
diarrhea, I then started having some pain on the right
lower side of my abdomen when I went to the bathroom, it
stopped soon after
December 2012
I started having darker stools, and then they started to
come with a green tint, no diarrhea, just regular stools
but dark and with green liquid, soon after I started
having the same pain on the right bottom side of the abdomen again and pressure under my right
rib cage, like something was about to burst, It stopped soon after once again!
January 2013 (first
blood test)
I went to the doctor, the doctor ordered an
ultrasound of
liver, thinking that It could the be the root of the
problem, once the ultrasound was done the doctor said I
had a “Fatty liver” and that my problem could be solved
with a simple diet, I started said diet, at times I completely removed meat from my diet and six months later I returned to check up on my liver, in the mean time every symptom subsided rather quickly there after. (A Week or so)
They checked my liver out (ultrasound) and most of the fat has been
vanquished according to my ultrasound, no other issues
were found with my liver I feel great, no pain, no
pressure, no nothing.
October 2013
I started having the
abdominal pain again, my stools did
not turn green this time, but they got darker, they also had this white little
floating things on them, some were a bit covered in it,
some were normal, the pain returned to my right bottom
abdomen, I started having itching on anus, I decided to take the issue on my own hands since
nothing seemed to fix it, I went and did a feces exam by
myself (made the doctor sign the release), it was, to my
surprise, detected :iodamoeba butschlii on my stool,
actually loads of it apparently, went back to my doctor
and he prescribed me
Flagyl 2 pills a day for 5 days, with
a 10 days waiting period and a repeat of the process once (Total of 30 days of treatment)
November 2013 (Flagyl Month)
During treatment, my pain went away after the second day
(entirely), after the 5th day I had no issues with my
abdomen, but my back and shoulder were hurting a bit, all
on the right side, and the pressure under my ribs on the
right hand side was back with a passion, about the 8th
day after I first paused the Flagyl treatment again, the
abdominal pain resumed, but it was mild in comparison,
once I started taking the Flagyl again it went away on the
second day like the last time, once the full treatment was
completed, my abdominal pain was gone up until the 8th (28th total)
day, when it started once again, in the mean time my right
side is hurting on the shoulder, back and I feel pressure
under my ribs, according to my ultrasound my liver is not
expanded, so I honestly don't know if the
shoulder pain,
back pain and pressure have anything to do with this issue
December 2013
Treatment stopped on the 30th of November, by the 8th of
December my pain returned (8th day), and it got more intense with
time, by the 11th I went to the doctor again. He
basically said that I should wait it out, and see what
happen... Aside from consulting another doctor next week,
I'm posting here, I managed to convince him to allow me to
have a
colonoscopy, I'm also having a wide spectrum feces
exam on Monday
Shoulder, back and rib issues:
The pressure is on the right hand side, just under my arm,
slightly below my man breast
Shoulder pain is only present on the right hand side, and
it gets better when I'm lie down, and worst when I'm
standing, and absolutely intolerable when I'm sitting
Back pain, is also on the right hand side, at elbow high
I went to an orthopedist and he gave me some anti
inflammatory medicine, said medicine seem to have
decreased my abdominal pain as well as my shoulder and
back pain, the pressure is still there, he said I should
exercise more to get right of the pain, I'll start doing
that tomorrow as well
My stool is currently full of white little balls, and some
get stuck in the feces most of them seem to just float
around, color is usual so far
General observations:
The internet says that iodamoeba butschlii doesn't give
any pain, only diarrhea, and that it's non-pathogenic,
another doctor also said that If I have this it's highly
probable that I might have something else! I had diarrhea
once so far
According to blood tests taken throughout this whole
process I never had a time where my immunological system
was debilitated, aside from the cold I had when it all
started (No blood test at the time), if it is iodamoeba butschlii I have no idea how
it could possibly be so aggressive considering the info
available on the internet
My family friend has most of the symptoms I have, the
white stuff, the right lower abdominal pain, the darker
stool but no shoulder pain, or back pain, or pressure,
whatever I have, I have a feeling she might have it as well since we live in the same town
and buy food at the same place
When I sleep at night the bottom right of my abdomen seem
to be bloated and it's hard to sleep on my right side, it
simply wasn't when I was taking Flagyl
Symptoms I currently have:
Even with anti inflammatory, shoulder pain, and back pain
are still there, the pressure under my right rib has
Pain on my right lower abdomen
My throat seem a bit irritated and I started coughing
recently, probably not related but I'm being as thorough
as possible
My last blood test (few days ago) accused that my red
blood cells are a bit high, My uric acid is at 7.2mg (mildly high), and
TSH is 5,94 everything else is normal, I'll do another
one shortly as the TSH may be a result of using Flagyl (according to another doctor)
My current course of action: to do a colonoscopy, and
maybe (depending what it shows) an MRI of my liver just to
check if it is in good shape and if it has something to do
with back pain
I spent an obscene amount of time writing this, I have no
other symptoms, but I feel some inevitable questions are
I don't sleep on top of my right arm, never done that!
I have no shortage of hunger
I didn't lose much weight since it all started, and I'm
dieting still
I very rarely snore
I dont exercice very often
I did exercice before my shoulder and back pain started again, and I did push it hard
I don't drink
I take no other medication aside from the ones informed on this post
I'm 25 Years old
My worst medical condition so far has been this
My bowel movements were never that good to begin with (shifting my sleep tends to clog it up a bit), but
If I sleep at the same time for more than a week it still
regulates to the time I wake up, once a day, it's been
mostly steady throughout this whole thing, as long as I don't mess with my sleep too much it is pretty steady
Feel free to ask any questions, or point out things I missed
Thanks for you replies