What Makes An Infant Cry Excessively?
The baby is exclusively on breast milk. He vomits n also have running nose
Due to colics.
Detailed Answer:
Let me first ask whether the baby is exclusively breastfed or whether formula feeds are being given. Babies often get colics especially when on formula feeds. In such a case switching back to breast milk should provide relief. You should burp the baby for at least 15-20 mins after each feed. All you need to do is to hold the baby head end elevated for this duration. The extra air is taken causes distention and hence colics. Proper burping will ensure its escape and the milk will not regurgitate back from the stomach to the food pipe, thus providing relief. You can otherwise give Coliaid when needed.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Diptanshu Das, Pediatrician
Brief Answer:
Proper burping needs to be done.
Detailed Answer:
In that case, it certainly indicates reflux. Proper burping should help.
Hope I have answered your query.
Dr. Diptanshu Das, Pediatrician