What Medications And Techniques May Be Used To Increase Level Of Sperm Count ?
The report came like is,
Physical Examination:
volume:1.5 ml
Liquefaction Time: 25 min
Viscocity: Normal
Chemical Examination:
pH : 7.5
Sperm Count : 21 millions/ml
Activity Motile:
1st Hour 40%
2nd Hour 35%
3rd Hour 30%
Microscopic Examination:
sluggishly Motile: 10%
dead/Non motile: 50%
wbc : 4-5
morphology : 50% normal, rest are pin heade, off tailed
impression: oligozoospermia
Please any one can suggest, what can i do now?..
Thanks for writing to us.
As per your report the sperm count 21 million is less compared to the normal which around 100 million. The condition is called oligozoospermia (reduced count). The volume is 1.5 & normal is around 2-5ml that differ in every ejaculation.
The Viscosity, pH, Liquefaction time is within normal limits.
The motility of the sperm should be more than 45% around 60% is always good. But in your case that is just fine. Dead/non motile should be less and WBC preferably nil, with normal morphology >60%. Others are fine.
It is always better to have oligozoospermia than azoospermia(0 count). Confirm the report again in 3 months.
The chances of you getting a child naturally is reduced but not zero. If you are married & you and your partner are in the eagerness to get a child. You can wait for an year by trying naturally with normal coitus.
If nothing works out then you will have to go for assisted methods like IUI, IVF, ICS where your sperms are used to fertilize your partners ovum and you can get a child.
In case you are not married try to confirm the report in 6 months. See that you don't ejaculate for 3 days before collection of the sample.
I hope I have answered your query to your satisfaction. If you do have some more doubts feel free to write to me. I will be available to answer.
Thanks for your valubale answer.
I got married 2 years before, I don't have child.
what medicine can i take to improve my sperm count to be better?.
Thank you for writing back to us.
There is no specific medication for this in market which is solely proved to give a cure.
But there are few measures that you can follow which will help increase the count.
First and foremost keep your mind tension free.
second avoid hot environment- if unavoidable take precaution to keep your body cool by taking some breaks in between to avoid excess heat or radiations.
third wear underwear and if possible all cotton cloths.
avoid canned foods as much as possible.
If you do have a garden see to it that your fruits and vegetables do come from it ,it prevents the pesticide contamination if it not possible wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before use.
Do a proper workout Bangalore is a apt place for early morning walk. Go along your wife and enjoy the nature around. take a less pollution area.
Be very kind and compassionate with your wife- love can create magic when science fail.
medications like multivitamins are helpfull but natural sources are always good if you can get it from a reliable place.
Have your genital and testicular area cool as for as possible naturally which is possible in bangalore.
And of course do have sex appropriately it is also an stimulating factor.
Avoid excessive workout, hot places, rage, anxiety, excessive sex, emotion.
Think clear, act clear and wise at this situation. You will soon have a child.
I hope my recommendation will help you.
For any other query please write to me I will be there to answer.