What Potential Causes Could Explain Elevated WBC Count, And Slightly Elevated Platelet Count?
Blood Test Results:
The blood test was performed yesterday. The results are enclosed.
• WBC Count: 14,200 cells/uL
• Platelets: 4.67 x 10^3 cells/uL
• Differential Count:
o Granulocytes: 66%
o Lymphocytes: 27%
o Monocytes: 7%
Comparison to Previous Results:
The WBC count shows a slight increase from a test performed one year ago (13,900 cells/uL). The differential percentages (granulocytes, lymphocytes, and monocytes) have remained relatively stable between the two tests. Platelet count information from one year ago was 3.73 X 10^3 cells/uL. The primary concern is the elevated WBC count and slightly elevated platelet count.
Additional Information:
• The patient does not report any new or unusual symptoms at this time. She does not exhibit any
• Medications: She is taking Espin AT and Ceruvin A for her blood pressure
• What other potential causes could explain the elevated WBC count, and slightly elevated platelet count?
• Based on these results, what is the likelihood of APL relapse?
• Do you suggest any additional medication?
Thank you for your time and consideration. We appreciate your expertise in helping us understand these results and determine the best course of action for my mother's health.
The reports seem ok.
Detailed Answer:
A borderline elevated white cell count and platelet count should be taken as normal or as a response to physiological conditions like any kind of mental or physical stress, skin disorders like allergies, or sometimes arthritis. In the absence of any symptoms, this elevation should not cause any undue worry.
APML is a highly curable disease with remission rates often achieving 90 percent. Most relapses, if they occur, are seen in the first two years after completion of treatment; after that, with each preceding year, the chances of relapse decrease, Though relapse can be seen as late as 10-12 years after treatment.
I will suggest you get a peripheral smear test also done after 6 months as a routine. As of now, these tests do not predict a relapse.
There is nothing to worry.
Detailed Answer:
In the absence of any other symptoms and signs, like fever, bleeding, anemia, the relapse seems a remote possibility with just a minor elevation and indolent course. For a definitive confirmation, a peripheral smear examination and flowcytometry can be done to rule out a relapse.
Feel free to ask further queries.