What Should I Do About Heart Burn Despite Taking Pan-40?
Need to consult qualified Gastroenterologist.
Detailed Answer:
Based on the facts that you have posted you seem to have what is called as Acid Peptic Disease.
You need to consult qualified Gastroenterologist and get your Upper GI Endoscopic Examination done to establish the diagnosis.
In the mean while continue taking Pan 40.
1) Avoid taking spicy food
2) Take 3-4 small meals instead of having two full meals
3) Take sumptuous quantity of milk and curd in your diet
4) Avoid alcohol ,smoking and aerated drinks
5) Avoid going to bed late night
6) Practice regular moderate exercise
7) Avoid stress and anxiety
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions, I shall be happy to help you. Thanks.
Dr. Patil