What Should Be Done About Black Stools, Some Diarrhea, Lower Abdominal Cramps And Nausea?
dark stool can have different possible causes
Detailed Answer:
In most persons diarrhea resolves in 3 to 7 days.
Black or dark stool can be related to different causes that include- (1)use of pepto bismol
(2)blood in the stool. Blood from the stomach, esophagus and small intestines causes the stool to darken
(3)use of iron tablets
If she has not used either pepto bismol or iron tablets then you may want to consider having her assessed.
Since she is having stomach cramps and nausea, this indicates gastritits (inflammation of the stomach). Gastritis can sometimes be associated with slight/mild bleeding from the stomach.
It would be best for her to be seen and examined by her doctor.
In many cases, the symptoms are related to a simple infection of the stomach and/or intestines that resolves in a few days with rest, fluid and electrolyte replacement but this should be confirmed
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions