What Should Be Done After Exposure To Bug Spray Fumes?
better visit ER no worries though
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
The act of exposure seems my enough to be worried about.bug sprays are usually organophosphates and their poisoning needs quite a bit of exposure and a few fumes are least likely to cause that.
You did good thing by washing the face and removing the shirt etc.
90 minutes has passed but there is no harm to be ok n the safer road.as spitting of blood and cotton mouth dry mouth indicates a little exposure. Get to ER they will give you a little antidote if need be.that too for safety and not necessary.
Butsas I said prevention is better than cure.get to the ER with peaceful mind as this visit is just prophylaxis and let them see and assess 5 he situation and careful next time please.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and don't forget to close the discussion please.
May the odds be ever in your favour.