What Should Be The Ideal Weight Of A Toddler?
iron supplements , oil, ghee, eggs
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Thanks for writing to us.
Can you let me know her birth weight and whether she was a term or preterm baby ? Any hospitalization in the past?
If she was a term baby around 3 kg at birth, the current weight is low normal. But don't worry.
She is active, playful and taking good food at home as you had mentioned.
It is possible that she may have worms infestation because despite taking good food her weight gain is lower than average.
Another possibility is anemia which is present in majority of babies.
Few tips I would like to suggest:
1. Deworm her with albendazole . I usually prescribe 200mg once at night.
2.Iron supplements along with other supplements after checking for anemia with your doctor or by doing a hemoglobin test
3.Add oil, ghee, cheese and other high calorie foods to each food item you give to her.
4. Protein rich foods like eggs, cakes, pulses should help her gain weight and height.
Wishing your daughter good health
Dr Arun
continue iron supplements till 2 years
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For her birth weight, the current weight is in normal range.
Continue iron supplements till 2 years.
Symptoms of worms include itching in anal region, stomach ache, constipation. Sometimes it can be asymptomatic with anemia as the only presentation.
No harm in Deworming her.
two doses only
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Albendazole 200mg is available as syrup eg. Bandy
Give 5ml one dose at night and the second dose same 5ml after 10 days .
Total 2 doses only.
yes you can
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Yes you can repeat every 6months .
no issues..