What Will Happen When Inflammation Particle Gets Stuck In Skin Of Heart?
May I ask one more question.
Because I don't know the medical knowlege... I have some query.
Doctor said to me that if some particle got stuck in somewhere in heart...
It will be OK eventhough there is some inflammation in part on heart.
I understand when it get stuck in capillary.. nothing will happen. because there is many capillary and one capillary blocking won't be dangerous..
But I want to know the next happening when it get stuck in somepart on heart.
#1.After inflammation, particle detached from skin on heart and move to lung and got stuck in capillary.. (I understand this process..)
#2. After inflammation, particle cannot detached form skin and remain... what happen next? nothing happen? or what happen?
Thank you very much.
acts as foreign body
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writting to me . I understood your query though I would like to know as to which p[article you are referring to.
If that particle get stuck to the layer of heart and stay there then it acts as a foreign body. Foreign body means anything which is from outside entered into body. So this cause inflammation at the site. Inflammation is nothing but your body reacts to new elemnt and try to block it from affecting your body.
So body forms a layer over this particle after few days. And this inflammation slowly reduces. So that particle will become localised there. This won't affect functioning of heart.
Hope I have answered your query. If any further queries are there I would love to help.
Dr.Deepika Patil