What Would Cause Hacking Cough For Over A Year, Clear Phlegm Leading To Sinus Issues In A Smoker?
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Detailed Answer:
The cough occurs when you lie down, eat or drink. These suggest a cough secondary to a stimulus of the food pipe. In the instance of lying down, you may be having a reflux of acid into the esophagus (food pipe) and this produces a reflux cough. When you eat and drink, the esophagus is stimulated by the same.
Try the following:
- Avoid spicy, carbonated or caffeinated foods and drinks.
- Do not lie down immediately after food or drink. There should be a gap of at least two hours.
- Elevate the head end of your bed with six inch blocks. No use of raising your head on pillows as it only aggravates the reflux.
- Stop smoking.
These might be sufficient, if not medicines have to be considered.
Do get back to me after you have tried these measures.
Dr. Noble Zachariah
Internal Medicine Specialist