What Would Cause Urinary Incontinence When I Was Tested Negative For Urinary Tract Infection?
About urinary incontinence causes
Detailed Answer:
Taking into consideration your age, urine incontinence is rare for males of your age. Some more investigations should be done to try to find the cause. After the exclusion of urinary tract infection, a pelvic ultrasound is usually recommended.
In this imaging test, an ultrasound device is used to create an image of the bladder or other parts of the urinary tract.
You need also to monitor the amount of liquids you consume in 24 hours and the urine output at the same time. If it exceeds 3 liters and the pelvic ultrasound is normal, than diabetes Insipidus should be excluded.
Pelvic ultrasound and a 24 hour balance of the water intake and urine output would be the next steps that will help us make a diagnosis.
Hope I have answered your query. It will be a pleasure to help you further.
Dr. Mirjeta Guni
A urine culture needed
Detailed Answer:
You need to do a urine culture sensitivity test to rule out urinary infection, as the urine still stings and you have frequent urination.
Do not hesitate to attach the result for further suggestions.
Hope I have answered your query.
Dr. Mirjeta Guni