When Should CT Scan And MRI Be Performed After A Mini Stroke?
How soon after the stroke should the exam take place?
How soon after a mini-stroke should a CTScan and MRI be performed?
Can you wait 24-48 hours without diminishing results?
Can the tests be performed on an outpatient basis or do you need to be inpaitent?
How relevant is a XXXXXXX stroke with no followup problems 25 years ago to a case of vertigo that happens today?
Schedule brain MR
Detailed Answer:
I am sorry for the symptoms you have suffered
As your first CT scan was normal you have to continue anti thrombotic (aspirin daily)
Brain MR is effective even on first hours to define ishemic events
CT scan needs 24 hours to make evident ishemic changes but can rule out haemorrhage even on first minutes
An neurological exam would help to make the difference bettween vertigo or new stroke
You should know that symptoms provoked by stroke doesn't get better with hours they need weeks even months
In my opinion you should schedule a brain MR which will definitely rule out any ishemic event
In the meantime use aspirin each day
As I read the report and evaluate your symptoms I think you have suffered just vertigo this time
Hope I have unswered all your questions
Don't hesitate to contact me for further questions
Best regards
Could the MRI have been performed as an outpatient based on the ER diagnosis of Vertigo.
Since my wife was admitted on an emergency basis, is it best practice to have an MRI performed over 30 hours after the ER visit?
How relevant is a XXXXXXX stroke with no followup problems 25 years ago to a case of vertigo that happens today?
Detailed Answer:
Brain MR isn't an emergency examination
In my country it can be performed only as inpatient meaning that the patient need to be hospitalised to undertake MR urgently
In my opinion old stroke can't be related to the symptoms suffered this time, it isn't relevant
If your wife is symptomless now, MR isn't urgent.(but I strongy reccomend to schedule one)
Hope I have answered all your questions this time
Sorry for the convienence
Hope your wife will be fine