Which Are The Conditions In Which Exercise Is Not Recommended?
If there are none of the following
Detailed Answer:
Hi, thanks for using healthcare magic
There are only a few conditions in which exercise is not recommended. This includes the following : (1)history of unstable angina . Angina is a condition where there is reduced blood supply to the heart. As a result chest pain occurs on activity , as it worsens the chest pain may occur at rest or be unpredictable. This would be unstable angina
(2)unstable or acute heart failure- this would present with shortness of breath, swelling of the legs, palpitations, chest pain, there would be a previous history of heart failure or heart disease
(3)unstable diabetes- because the blood sugar readings may change during the activity
(4)a resting heart rate greater than 100 beats a minute. This means when sitting or doing nothing the heart rate is greater than 100
(5)new or uncontrolled arrhythmias- an arrhythmia is an abnormal beat of the heart
(6)a blood pressure reading of 180 /100 mmHg. If either the top is greater than 180 OR the bottom is greater than 100.
(7)symptoms of low blood pressure such as dizziness, feeling clammy, shortness of breath
If none of these scenarios exist and there are no other existing conditions that significantly affect you , then you can proceed with your physical activity.
You may want to start slowly so that you know your limits.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions