Why I Am Feeling Pain In My Testicles When I Walk?
Most probably varicocele
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Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood your concerns.
Please mention your age and whether you have consulted any Doctor/medications/ investigations or so.
The commonest reasons that I can think of from the history you have provided can be one of the following:
- Pain and heaviness in testicles while walking is indicative of a condition called varicocele in which The veins in the scrotum get enlarged, more on standing and walking.
- Epididymitis can also case such symptoms. but the pain can be more.
I would advise you the following:
Color doppler of the scrotum helps a lot for proper diagnosis.
Aided by an actual examination by a General Surgeon or Urologist.
Till then use scrotal support to support testes up
Use loose underwear and pants.
Please give feedback.
Feel free to ask further relevant queries.
Colour Doppler is a must.
Detailed Answer:
Nice to know.
Yet the confirmation can come from colour Doppler study only.
Please get this done and post the reports.
You have not yet mentioned your age. Please let us know details.
Colour Doppler report please.
Detailed Answer:
Colour doppler report please.
At the age of 25 the commonest reason is Varicocele.
Epididymitis or Epididymoorchitis can also cause pain.
Please give further details.