Why I Get A Tingling Sensation In Both Of My Hands ?
It depends.. there are multiple causes for such tingling.
Detailed Answer:
There are multiple reasons for such tingling sensation in the hands.
One of the more common reasons is vitamin B12 deficiency
The next cause is, repetitive injury.
Third probability is nerve entrapment/compression
Another probability is, reduced blood supply to the nerves
And temperature can also cause such sensation.
If you are diabetic, you can experience such symptoms.
So given the varied causes, it is not possible to make a proper diagnosis without complete history as well as thorough physical and neurological examination in person.
Please consult a neurologist near you and get yourself examined to find out the cause and then treatment is based on the cause, it could be simple correction of vitamin deficiency or it could be surgery if there is nerve compression.
I hope this answers your question.
Best wishes
You should eat meat/fish, or else take vitamin supplement tablets
Detailed Answer:
As suspected, you have vitamin B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B12 is only available in animal products/meat.
You should increase the quantity of meat consumption.
Otherwise you will have to take vitamin supplement tablets like Becosules every day or on alternate days.
Hope that answers your query.
Best wishes
You are welcome
Detailed Answer:
You are welcome.
Happy to be of help