Why I Sneeze After Strong Smell?
Detailed Answer:
Your symptoms can be due to allergy to strong scents. If you can identify the source of allergen then avoidance to allergen ,is best remedy,if possible. However,if allergen can not be identified or can not be avoided, then anti-allergic nasal spray may be required. However,in some cases simultaneous or isolated use of anti-allergic tablets may be required. Once the symptoms are relieved,the dosage/frequency of anti-allergic tablet/spray me be reduced to minimum effective level & completely stopped if possible.
The treatment may be required to be started again if symptoms re-appear.
However,if the symptoms become really agonising,then identification of the specific allergen may be tried by allergy testing & procedure of desensitisation against allergen may give permanant relief.
Hope this gives answer to your querry. Wish you best of luck.