Why After Ovulation Light Pink Watery Discharge Then The Next Day The Discharge Was Brown?
Ovulation spotting
Detailed Answer:
It sounds like you had what is called ovulation spotting, which is caused by the drop of estrogen after ovulation, which can cause a small amount of bleeding, usually pink to brown as you describe. It is a normal process and doesn't indicate anything is wrong; it may or may not happen again from time to time.
Typically we do not get concerned about fertility issues until you have been trying for at least 12 months without getting pregnant. At that point we would start an evaluation, which would include a semen analysis, a menstrual history with assessment of luteinizing hormone and progesterone, imaging of the uterus, and other hormone testing. So I would continue to try for another 5 months, especially increasing the frequency of sex around the middle of your cycle when ovulation is expected, and if you still haven't gotten pregnant by then, I would see your doctor for further evaluation.
I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any other questions about that, and I would be glad to discuss it with you further.