Why Am I I'm Always Bleeding This Is My Sixth Month With The Implanon?
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Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
It appears as if the Implanon has not worked for you. It is an implant-releasing hormone called etonogestrel which is a progestin. The work of it depends on the base hormone level of the user. In case there is any sort of imbalance between menstrual cycles first half's estrogen and second half's progesterone levels, it may affect the effect of the implanon.
Implanon is a birth control device, which is sometimes indicated to regularize the periods ssuming the reason for irregular periods is the imbalance between the esterogen. andprogesterone or the leutal defect which presents with low progesterone levels.
The type of previous hormone balance is very important which influences the working effect of the implanon. Since it has not shown a positive effect in you, I recommend you to get it removed as early as possible. Do consult your gynecologist at the easrliest for the same.
Hope, I answered your query.
Wish you good health.