Why Am I Experiencing Dizziness While Standing Up When The Feeling Lingers For Close To A Minute?
The last two days, I've been experiencing dizziness when I stand up. The feeling lingers in my head for about 30-45 seconds. I also have a pitty feeling in my chest - right in the center of my chest at the bottom of my sternum. Thoughts?
I would recommend as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Your symptoms could be related to orthostatic hypotension. For this reason, I would recommend increasing salt and fluid intake in the next days. A close monitoring of your blood pressure values is necessary.
A decrease in the dose of Accupril may be needed (take half of the dose) if your situation does not improve. If these symptoms persist, despite the above tips, I would recommend consulting with your attending physician for a physical exam and some tests:
- A resting ECG
- Complete blood count for anemia
- Blood electrolytes for any possible imbalance
- Kidney and liver function tests.
A head Up Tilt test may be needed to investigate for possible orthostatic hypotension if your symptoms persist.
Hope you will find this answer helpful! Wishing you all the best.
Dr. Iliri