Why Am I Having Intense Gas Pain And The Inability To Pass Gas?
Gastritis and dyspeptic symptoms. Can be managed with conservative measures
Detailed Answer:
As per your description it seems that you are gastritis and dyspeptic symptoms. It’s quite common in your age group and respond well with treatment.
I suggest you to try the following as a first line management:
1. Avoid spicy food stuffs as they worsen the symptoms.
2. You can take antacids like pantoprazole or omeprazole once daily, preferably in the morning half an hour before breakfast.
3. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
4. Have fiber rich diet as it smoothen your bowel and prevent constipation.
5.Laxatives like lactulose can be taken at bed time for smooth passage of stools without straining. You can take 10ml at bedtime.
6. If symptoms are severe, sucralfate syrup can be tried.
Avoid unwanted stress and anxiety as it worsen the symptoms.
If symptoms persist despite all these, consult a gastroenterologist and get evaluated.
Wishing you good health.