Why Diabetes Mellitus Affects Adhesion Defects?
Detailed Answer:
Looks like your question is 'Why diabetes mellitus affects adhesion defects'?
I interpret this query to mean why does diabetes affect the adhesion function of white blood cells (WBCs) in immune defence system?
WBCs are known to play an important role in the body's defences and use their ability to adhere to blood vessel walls in the are of infection.
There are studies that have demonstrated that this function is impaired when blood glucose levels are high such as is the case in uncontrolled diabetes.
This is one of the reasons people with poorly controlled diabetes have a greater tendency to develop infections. For the same reason, when they do acquire an infection , it takes longer to heal because of the WBCs adhesion defect.
Generally, with good glucose control this function improves and the individual with diabetes is not particularly more prone to getting infections and if they do occur, the wounds heal well just like in a person without diabetes provided other factors are not present (such as poor blood circulation, good nerve function, avoidance of repeated trauma)