Why Do I Feel Dizzy Upon Waking Up Along With Nausea And Fatigue?
should consider assessment by a neurologist
Detailed Answer:
Loss of balance and dizziness can be due different possible causes.
Some of the more common causes are due to issues of the inner ear. Inner ear causes are- (1) BPPV- benign paroxysmal positional vertigo- in this case, the dizziness/loss of balance is worse with certain head positions eg if sit up or lay on a particular side etc.
Last seconds to minutes. It can be checked by your doctor performing a maneuver called dix hallpike.
If found, doing Epley maneuver at the office or home, would help
Epley can be found online
(2) meniere's disease- associated with hearing loss and tinnitus (eg buzzing, ringing etc in the ear)
(3)vestibular neuritis- One of the most common causes, may be a history of a previous viral infection
(4)immune mediated inner ear disease
Other causes would be migraine, lesions affecting part of the brain called brain stem or the cerebellum or MS (or similar conditions)
You should consider seeing a neurologist who would assess you with neurological testing. Imaging of the brain may be needed.
In many cases, the exact cause is not found.
In the majority of persons, it is not due to a serious cause and this may be the case for you
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
no problem
Detailed Answer:
Wishing you the best, if there are any other queries, can let me know