Why Do I Feel Like People Everywhere Are Competitive With Me?
You are a competitive person basically which is good
Detailed Answer:
Human being is a social animal. He is also a primitive animal. So competition comes as one of the essential primitive behavior of human being. But because of social upbringing and ethos, human are able to overcome the primitive competitive behavior up to one extent.
In a sense, you are actually competing with every other person around you. That is natural. Others do not feel it, but you are feeling it.
You are feeling that every other one is competing with you. Here your primitive competitive behavior pattern comes to the forefront of your cognition. That is what I understand from the explanation you have given.
This is normal. For example, if an area is flooded and people are stranded, everyone there will compete with each other for food articles and other essential articles. In that scenario people do think selfish because that is essential.
In your case, I feel that your cognition is been stemmed out from the above said primitive competitive mentality.
I reckon you could be a highly competitive person and has a successful career because of your behavior. That could be a positive fallout of your basic behavior.
I suggest you provide more information:
Do you feel competitive with a specific set of people?
Are you successful in your career?
Why are you worrying that others are competing with you?
Competition is also their birth right. Let them do it. To rise above them, you have to do better than them. You should also learn and accept social ethos.
Basically, I want to suggest that your cognition about competition should change Cognitive Behavior Therapy should help you.
Take care.