Why Do I Get Slight Swelling In The Feet During Warm Weather While Sitting At The Computer?
Nothing serious
Detailed Answer:
this is pretty common and it's probably related to the effects of aging. Most individuals over 40 experience some swelling particularly after standing or sitting for a long time or when the weather is hot. Walking may help in mild cases. Lying with down with the feet in higher level than the body will help in cases of moderate severity.
An ultrasound scan of the leg veins may identify venous insufficiency which is another factor that predisposes to swelling. Heart disease (heart failure) is another thing to check particularly when the patient also has shortness of breath on exertion. In most cases (particularly the mild ones) no cause will be identified. I don't believe that water will help. You should drink as much as your body asks for (thirst should guide you). If your urine is too dense (dark yellow or orange color) then more water is required.
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How is it that warm weather and age is a causal factor?
I did have some venous tests and sonogram on the heart, and that seems to be normal. I was squeezing into my sandals, but after about 10-15 minutes of walking it felt alright.
Are there certain things to do to prevent it while sitting at the computer? Do I have to get up every while and walk around in the house? Or lying down with legs raised?
Please read the full answer.
Detailed Answer:
Hot weather causes dilatation of the veins and predisposes to swelling. If you have to remain seated for a long time then moving your legs every so often may help. Getting off the chair and walking around is better. For more serious swelling raising the legs would be necessary. Since your tests were negative you can't do much more than that.