Why Do I Yawn Continually? How To Get Rid Of This?
Thanks for your query. I understand your concern with yawning. The pathology behind yawning is hypoxia i.e low oxygen levels which is compensated by yawning and intake of oxygen. It is a common sequelae to poor sleep quality. Hence, i would suggest you follow the following steps of sleep hygiene that will normalise your sleep and therefore control yawning. Chewing gums are ofcourse a traditional way employed to control yawning. The steps of sleep hygiene are:voiding tea/coffee/carbonated drinks after 7 PM; avoiding afternoon naps; waking up at the same time every day irrespective of the time you sleep; ensuring adequately dark and comfortable place for sleep; avoid bed for everything except sleep and not to spend beyond 10 minutes in bed if unable to sleep. Wish you good health.
Dr Sundar
Dr Sundar