Why Have I Been Getting Nosebleeds Out Of Nowhere For The Past Few Days?
Different possible causes
Detailed Answer:
Nose bleeds (epistaxis) has different possible causes, it can be due to local causes (meaning something with the nose itself) or systemic causes (related to a general condition).
Local causes include:
(1) Trauma to the nose or a foreign body in the nose
(2) Mucosal inflammation eg due to allergies, dry weather
(3) Mass in the nose- most commonly a benign (not cancerous growth)
(4) Abnormal structure eg abnormalities of the septum in the nose
(5) Side effect of medication- topical nasal steroids or antihistamines if applied to the septum and not the lateral/side walls, can cause irritation and slight bleeding
Systemic causes eg
(1) Blood disorder
(2) Hypertension
Stress on its own would not cause nose bleeds.
If you are not sure which one of these apply to you and the bleeds continue then you may need to be assessed by your doctor.
If you have a history of allergies or have been exposed to dry weather then one of these may be the cause or if there is any history of trauma then this is also a possible cause.
Unfortunately it would be difficult to determine the exact cause, if it continues, without a history or examination.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions.